Wedding Registries

Replacements, Ltd.


Two of the more traditional gifts for a wedding are stoneware and flatware. We have some pieces we'd like to finish, and Replacements is a fantastic resource for doing that.

To order from our wedding registry (#9882713) at Replacements, please call 800-737-5223 (800-REPLACE), extension 2394. Visit their website to see our patterns:

If you ever find yourself near Greensboro, NC, stop in and visit their showroom. In addition to fine china and silver, they have a closeout room and a museum.


We have a few items here.



Our registry number is 200663821. We have a few household items here.

Automotive Parts


As many of you know, we do most of our own automotive maintenance. Here's a list of some parts we'll be needing fairly soon. Since these sites do not have a wish-list of any sort, Diane's Maid of Honor, Merryl, will co-ordinate purchases. Please e-mail her at [merryl <AT> dmk-whc <DOT> com]. Mention which item you'd like to purchase and wait for her to confirm that no one else has ordered it. Please have any parts mailed to us at the address on the invitations! Merryl can confirm the address if you need it.